What is Miswak?

The Miswak is a traditional natural toothbrush which holds an esteemed status in Islamic culture due to its incredible purifying properties. It is renowned for its ability to whiten the teeth, strengthen the gums, and remove bad breath. For many Muslims around the world, the Miswak is also a form of spiritual purification and is considered an act of worship.

Health Benefits of Miswak

"It has been found that if a miswak is used correctly, then it is more effective in reducing plaque and gum disease than that of a toothbrush due to its antibacterial properties and brushing action"

[Journal of Health]

Whitens The Teeth

Miswak contains high levels of natural chloride, fluoride, and silica which help to whiten the teeth. Also, the soft fibrous bristles help to polish the teeth without causing any harmful abrasion to the enamel.

Strengthens The Gums

Miswak contains Vitamin C, Sitosterol, and natural resins which have been scientifically proven to strengthen the gums. These substances also protect the gums from harmful infections and diseases.

Anti-Bacterial Properties

Miswak contains Trimethylamine, essential oils, and other alkaloids which helps balance the pH levels in your mouth and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria which cause bad breath and other diseases.

Miswak in Islam

In Islam the Miswak is not only a form of oral purification but a form of spiritual purification as well. In fact, the miswak is so sacred in Islam that it is the last thing the Prophet (ﷺ) wanted before he passed away. For the last 1400 years this special tradition has been considered an act of worship of Islam and is practiced by millions of Muslims around the world.

The Prophet (ﷺ) was Reported to Have Said:

"Use the Miswak for it purifies the mouth and is pleasing to the lord." [Bukhari]

"Had I not thought it difficult for my Ummah, I would have commanded them to use the miswak before  every prayer." [Bukhari]

"I was commanded to use the miswak to such an extent that I thought that it would be made obligatory." [Ahmad]