How to Use an Olive Miswak

As with all the finer things in life, a little respect will go a long way. Follow our simple instructions to make the most out of your Royal Miswak experience.

1. Shave

Use a sharp object such as a knife to shave off about 1cm of the bark at the tip of the miswak.

2. Soften

Use your mouth to moisten the tip of the miswak for around 1 to 3 minutes. Take your time.

3. Seperate

Once the miswak has softened, use your teeth to separate the bristles until a brush is formed.

4. Brush

Hold the miswak firmly between your hands and brush your teeth in an up and down motion.

5. Dry

Allow the miswak to dry in an open air environment. Do not put it back in the tube while wet.

6. Cut

After 3 days or when the smell of the miswak changes, cut off the tip and repeat the steps.